September 11 2001, saw me trying to grab a quick breakfast in the cafeteria of my university just in time to see the twin towers in flames and minutes later a second plane plowing right into the second tower, the rest as they say is still fresh in our minds...
Today's scene looked all too familiar, again having breakfast and the news comes on with a caption "Osama Bin Laden dead", it starred President Barack Obama announcing to the American people and the World that America's public number one enemy had been killed. He highlighted that he had ordered a hit on Bin Laden that was carried out successfully in Pakistan and that the US was in custody of Bin Laden's corpse.
The issue now besides nemesis catching up with Bin Laden, is the fact that he had been harbored in a Pakistani suburb all this while. This is frankly despicable but not surprising at the same time, in fact I had known that Bin laden was not in the lawless areas as they claim but inside Pakistan itself, if you think I was privy to classified info, you'd be mistaken because it was not strange to lots of ordinary Pakistanis I had the privilege of meeting in the past. This being said, the very question that come to mind is:
Did the Pakistani authority know all along and do nothing and were there elements within the government protecting Bin Laden from an already overdue capture?
Anyhow this is very embarrassing for Pakistan, a country that has often suffered violence perpetrated by various extremists groups including Al Qaeda and with critics questioning their commitment on the war on terror in the face of the recent happenings it may be difficult for their leaders to really convince the worldwide audience that they are really working to eliminate terrorism. Indian home minister said, "we take note with great concern in the statement of President Obama that the fire fight in which Osama Bin Laden was killed occurred in Abbottabad, 'deep inside Pakistan'...he further stated "that this fact underlines our concern that various terrorist organisations find sanctuary in Pakistan".
We will all agree that Osama Bin Laden was a formidable fugitive, that had an equally relentless pursuer, 9 years on the run is not an easy task which by the way I think he handled quite well but then how long and how far can a person run from the curse of a global condemnation, begs to be answered. Osama Bin Laden is gone, dead - buried so lets hope that like minded folks who deemed him invincible learned a valuable lesson - You risk being shot by the US Navy Seals.
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