Thursday, May 5, 2011

Fake Bin Laden Corpse Photo goes Global

The first image of Bin Laden death picture found on google was bloodied and grotesquely looking and then I noticed that Mr Bin Laden had the smirk on his face that I had seen previous picture, a comparison confirmed - the picture was doctored.

With the global search for pictures of the past event soaring high with search engines these days, its not surprising that it has also increased the gullibility of people, in facebook some unscrupulous links titled "Bin Laden Execution video crazy! insane!!" has been circulation, readers please beware it is a virus that would expose your facebook account to hackers also note that there aren't any such videos in circulation.

The media has also not been spared, AP erroneously published some of these pictures further misleading people into accepting its legitimacy (although all the pictures have been pulled off their sites as at the time of this writeup). A US Senator who bragged about seeing the original pictures while gave an interview on television sparking a short-lived media frenzy but was forced to retract his statement when it was discovered that the pictures he saw were fakes (I found it funny) confirming that he had indeed been duped. Interestingly the debacle isn't far from being over for while President Obama mulls over releasing the actual footage, the World will keep busy with sensationalizing all the details that has been provided us by the death of America's number one enemy.
Read more
Purported Bin Laden photos are latest lure by online scammers

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan

September 11 2001, saw me trying to grab a quick breakfast in the cafeteria of my university just in time to see the twin towers in flames and minutes later a second plane plowing right into the second tower, the rest as they say is still fresh in our minds...
Today's scene looked all too familiar, again having breakfast and the news comes on with a caption "Osama Bin Laden dead", it starred President Barack Obama announcing to the American people and the World that America's public number one enemy had been killed. He highlighted that he had ordered a hit on Bin Laden that was carried out successfully in Pakistan and that the US was in custody of Bin Laden's corpse.
The issue now besides nemesis catching up with Bin Laden, is the fact that he had been harbored in a Pakistani suburb all this while. This is frankly despicable but not surprising at the same time, in fact I had known that Bin laden was not in the lawless areas as they claim but inside Pakistan itself, if you think I was privy to classified info, you'd be mistaken because it was not strange to lots of ordinary Pakistanis I had the privilege of meeting in the past. This being said, the very question that come to mind is:
Did the Pakistani authority know all along and do nothing and were there elements within the government protecting Bin Laden from an already overdue capture?
Anyhow this is very embarrassing for Pakistan, a country that has often suffered violence perpetrated by various extremists groups including Al Qaeda and with critics questioning their commitment on the war on terror in the face of the recent happenings it may be difficult for their leaders to really convince the worldwide audience that they are really working to eliminate terrorism. Indian home minister said,
"we take note with great concern in the statement of President Obama that the fire fight in which Osama Bin Laden was killed occurred in Abbottabad, 'deep inside Pakistan'...he further stated "that this fact underlines our concern that various terrorist organisations find sanctuary in Pakistan".
We will all agree that Osama Bin Laden was a formidable fugitive, that had an equally relentless pursuer, 9 years on the run is not an easy task which by the way I think he handled quite well but then how long and how far can a person run from the curse of a global condemnation, begs to be answered. Osama Bin Laden is gone, dead - buried so lets hope that like minded folks who deemed him invincible learned a valuable lesson - You risk being shot by the US Navy Seals.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

AVOID THIS SCAM: Who Viewed Your Facebook Profile?

Protect yourself from identity theft by being careful about what application you approve on your facebook page,
It's a rip-off
If we are gonna admit it, checking out if your page has been viewed by an ex-partner or your college sweet-heart sound exciting - at least it would be for me...
This is exactly what these advertisements on social networking sites say, plus they appear on your wall as if it has been sent to you by your friends - bad news is that it is a fake, not real .
What is the truth
"Facebook does not have that sort of function (at least not for now) nor do they allow such application", according to Simon Axten, a company spokesman. Trying to download and use those so-called applications and you would be potentially exposing information like email address, physical address and photos and everything about your account to scammers.
What can we do to protect ourselves
Do not click on those application whenever you come across them, never think that you'd be able to know people that have rejected your friend requests as some of these apps claim. Facebook has promised to remove some of these links in the future and in case you are in doubt
or come across any of these apps contact Facebook (

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Limkokwing fires Dr Jayles Yeo !!!

At the time of writing this post, some of you may already have been aware that Dr Yeo - as he is widely known in Limkokwing University of Creative technology (LUCT), has left the university....rumors have it that he was fired by Tan Sri (Limkokwing) for giving scholarships to "ordinary" under-priviledged students,without authorization from the top.

LUCT is well-known for giving scholarships to very well priviledged students e.g kids of Ambassadors, Politicans, Malaysian movie and music stars e.t.c.

I do not have all the information about his untimely departure so if anyone knows let us know. I will keep you all abreast with the latest development on the issue.

Please write to us at


Friday, April 22, 2011


If blogging as they say is simply writing down (or online in this case) how one feels then I think, I wanna try. I have been to countless blogs, read so many of them - some interesting others ok lah...some scandalous and the others barely there, but in all, I have come to conclude that people just voice their opinions and views online over issues of their interest or simply things that they feel they wanna talk about. Having said all that, I wanna give blogging a try and so this is my "test" blogging (verb).

I am very passionate about things that I do and issues of my passion cover a large expanse of areas from politics to education, world affairs to religion.....everything I come to believe I have come to protect and so blogging for me would be no exception. So therefore we would see how things go from here.

I will therefore choose "python"to be my id, cos I am going to swallow facts whole and hopefully regurgitate them whole, as for the perspective at which I decide to tackle these issues that is another question but I am gonna say anything I want....tha hell !!! it my blogggg.

Take kia y'all be hearing from me soon.
